Debug mode?

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Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 28 April 2004 11:24:13pm

Paul....I keep trying to post and it giving me debug mode but when you look in the topic review box while replying you see you post is posted along with others by other people but if you view the thread no matter how many times you refresh the new posts wont show up....this is happening to me in the Hufflepuff Diary, not sure if it happens anywhere else....
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Postby Paul » Thursday 29 April 2004 2:02:20am

Yay, serious thanks, Alice! :double jump: And total thanks to Sonkem too - the adsense thingy is exactly the type of thing! I've submitted an application...just need to wait to see if google approve BaO to use the ads now :)

gecko - it's difficult to put a definite price as it depends on what you need (RAM, bandwith, hard drive size and type, processor speed and type), and what level of service you require. I've seen dedicate servers going for as low as $50 per month but the reviews are absolutely horrendous. Basically, to get anything decent it'll cost more that Li'l monster, both in terms of galleons and time too...especially initial set-up time as in most cases (at least at the lower end of costs), dedicated servers come just with a bare linux distribution. Things like apache, PHP, mysql, email and a lot more will probably all need to be configured.

[edited to add - oops, didn't see your post before I wrote this, sonkem. I've PM'd you about the problem whih should all be fixed now. For anyone else who had a problem in posting, one of the tables (quite a large one - the wordlist table) had become totally locked and refused to budge when I tried to unlock it, so a backup copy had to be uploaded.]
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Postby Beluka » Thursday 1 September 2005 2:41:05pm

i'm getting that debug code thing when i try to change things in my profile, anyone knows how to avoid that? can't i change the profile?
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Postby Un'Anima Persa » Thursday 1 September 2005 10:58:00pm

Me too, Beluka, I PM'd paul asking about it, i didnt see this thread before...

anyone else w/ this problem?
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Postby Paul » Friday 2 September 2005 10:43:23pm

Sorry about the problems. This profile problem is one I've seen before so luckily I knew where to look (it took me ages to figure out the first time it happened!). :) It should be all fixed now (I've just tested it and it seems to be working now for me). If you have any more problems, please say and I'll be sure to check things out.
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