Why does it do this?
I wish I had a definite answer. I've checked the phpBB forum, and even posted in the forum of the company who run Li'l monster, but I've still not found a definite answer. My guess is that it's related somehow to the server (overloaded maybe?). The reason I think this is that before moving to Li'l monster, the forum had no problems at all with the old server company.
Unfortunately, going back to the old server wouldn't be an option as the cost of running the forum on the old server was already starting to mount up, and BaO is already 50% larger now than it was in September/October when the move occurred. Li'l monster (the current server (or technically a VDS (Virtual Dedicated Server)) seemed to be a good option as it offered everything I needed at a good price, and I truly expected it to be better than the old virtual hosting....it's not turned out that way though, so moving to another server is definitely in the future plans but it'll be a totally
dedicated server (the first was a virtual hosting, and li'l monster is a VDS). With both virtual hosting and virtual dedicated servers, you share the server with (who knows how many?) other people...so I've got little control over the overall server load.
When I can eventually move to a true dedicated server, however, the entire machine will be under my control.
All in all, BaO is probably going to have to be with li'l monster for about 6 to 12 months more....I'm hoping it won't be any longer and if there's any way I can possibly move faster I will. Really sorry for the problems meanwhile.