Loggin On Solutions

If you have any questions or problems, or are having difficulties logging on, post here for help.

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Postby Guest » Sunday 27 April 2003 7:41:41pm

Meh, am having problems...
I registered earlier today under the name Blaise Zabini, but the e-mail address I used had been de-activated. I realised a little while ago that this was the case and re-activated the account but the e-mail for activating my user-name on this board got lost somewhere in the process. And now Hotmail isn't working at all. Am having a not-too-good computer day...
Any help at all would be much appreciated. Thanks!

Postby Paul » Tuesday 29 April 2003 9:53:56pm

I've just manually activated your Broomsticks And Owls membership, so you should be able to sign in and post now. :)
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Postby GreenViper 1.0 » Monday 19 May 2003 6:08:51pm

Every time I post I need to log in again! :eek:
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Postby Guest » Wednesday 21 May 2003 11:38:46am

hi, it's Beccaroo and i'm stuck logged out! Help! It wont let me back in!

I altered my profile to change my e0mail address and i think i might've mistyped my password or something, arhghg!

Can you do anything Paul or am i stuck outside forever? :???:

Postby Beccaroo » Wednesday 21 May 2003 11:41:35am

Ooops! It's ok, i've fixed it! I deactivated my account but i think it's reactivated now. Sorry! :oops:
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 21 May 2003 8:59:47pm

Good to see you're safely back again, Beccaroo.
GreenViper 1.0 wrote:Every time I post I need to log in again! :eek:

Do you have cookies enabled in your browser? If they are disabled it may be the cause of the problems. There's also a slightly annoying thing that the board does whereby it will check your IP address - with some Internet service providers, if they log you off after a certain period and you log on again you'll get a slightly different IP allocated to you. This makes the board think you're not signed on, so you need to sign on again. I get exactly this problem myself so I can understand what a pain it is.
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Postby Scellanis » Wednesday 21 May 2003 9:04:25pm

luaP...theres also that problem i have with the view new posts buttons in the new posts search page....maybe greenviper has that problem cos that logs you out everytime you try to view a thread....
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 4 June 2003 6:20:13pm

Oops - sorry, I missed your post earlier Sonkem - yes, the list new Posts thing is on the very long list of things to do....eventually. :)
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Postby June » Tuesday 24 June 2003 8:12:03am

I'm June... and having the same problem s everybody else, it seems. the system keeps logging me out no matter how many times I logged in or click the "log me in automatically" box... sigh...

At least now I know it's not just me... I'll try to be patient with the system...
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 24 June 2003 6:35:42pm

Well log me in automatically box Never works for me, but once I log in and keep this window open - its ok.
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 25 June 2003 12:14:13am

I can't say for 100% definite yet, but I'm 99% sure that I've fixed the Log me in Automatically problem tonight. :)
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Postby Guest » Saturday 28 June 2003 8:21:42am

Argh...i can't post anything here...the board keeps saying i need to log in...which i did successfully n i tried to post my msg n it requires me to sign in again...

n somehow i cannot surf the board at night...the page just refused to load...i have no problem with it in the noon (maybe it is due to my broadband connection... :???:

Postby choki » Saturday 28 June 2003 8:40:41am

The above guest is me...choki...sorry for the repeats
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Postby Paul » Saturday 28 June 2003 10:59:21pm

Could be your connection or even your IP address causing conflicts. How often has this happened and how recently did it start and when did it last happen? Do you get anything at all or just a blank page? Does your browser indicate things likes "connecting to remote host", "request queued", "sending a request", "receiving data" and "completed request" (if not, try the Opera browser at http://www.opera.com which will show you these things ). If you can get this info from your browser (bottom right-ish area of the browser if you use Opera), could you tell me at which stage things stop if they seem to come to a halt.

If it does happen again, can you give me lists of membernames who were online at the same time as you (on the bottom of the front page) each time it happens. I know it sounds odd but I may have a theory.

Sorry for all the questions but they may help pin-down the problem. :)
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Postby choki » Sunday 29 June 2003 9:54:16am

The screen will be blank n the status is always at opening page (the level of uploading is around 3/4). If i press Stop button, the page will appear so i could log in, but i cannot gain access to posts. It started recently...maybe it is my PC problem...i tried using a laptop and it seems like i could use it at night as well...(Problem solved then....i will use my laptop at night)
Thanks Paul
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