Book 5

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Moderator: Gwared

Book 5

Postby Vivian Borgin » Friday 1 August 2003 6:34:13am

I was just wondering about the (IMO, a little excessive) moderation of posts where just about anything that even hints at a single character or place from Book 5 anywhere else in the forum. Is it really necessary, over a month after the book was released? Surely, just mentioning a joke about a character without even revealing names can't really be violating that many top-secret plot spoilers; can it? I've had it done to me at least twice; and I've seen it done to one other person, too. It seems a little over the top, to me.
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Postby Gwared » Friday 1 August 2003 7:31:07pm

It may be a month since the book was released in English, however it is still unreleased in other languages and some members of this board came from those countries.

They may be able to converse happily in English on a forum to get a basic point across yet be unable to read an entire book in English...thus, any book 5 topics would spoil their enjoyment.

I'll admit place names and character banning may seem extreme, but if it were not done then the next logical progression would see more detailed stuff sneak into topics. Hence the seemingly strict moderation.
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Postby Lizzy Bennet » Saturday 2 August 2003 1:11:55am

Gwared wrote:It may be a month since the book was released in English, however it is still unreleased in other languages and some members of this board came from those countries.

They may be able to converse happily in English on a forum to get a basic point across yet be unable to read an entire book in English...thus, any book 5 topics would spoil their enjoyment.

I'll admit place names and character banning may seem extreme, but if it were not done then the next logical progression would see more detailed stuff sneak into topics. Hence the seemingly strict moderation.

I have NOTHING to add to that, Gwared :) said it all and very well. :grin: I sincerely promise the mods aren't the enemy...we have no desire to take away anyone's BaO enjoyment...simply to keep it spoiler-free and have book 5 stuff contained, particularly because, as Gwared stated so well, the next logical progression would be more detailed stuff to sneak into topics. :) I hope all members of BaO can, even if they aren't wildly happy about it, respect what the mods, under the direction of Paul (the forum admin.), are trying to do. :)

~ Lizzy :angel:
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Postby Vivian Borgin » Saturday 2 August 2003 4:46:43am

Oh; okay. Those are some pretty convincing reasons! LOL...I forgot about how the publishers released different language versions on different dates. Actually, I was just curious about the heavy moderation b/c I'm on a few other HP groups where spoilers are all over the place. It just had me curious. Thanks, though, for taking the time to let me know your thoughts! :)
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