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Postby DucksRMagical » Monday 31 March 2008 7:52:19pm

Is the board being really slow for anyone else? It's been taking forever to load since Friday for me. All the other sites I visit are fine.
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Monday 31 March 2008 8:39:45pm

its the same with me as well.
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Postby Paul » Monday 31 March 2008 9:41:15pm

Is it still happening? It seems OK here....I've just checked hoppy and she's under no stress or strain at the moment. There has been a so-called "experimental" bot called Twiceler which has been visiting a lot - if things continue slowly I could ban it and see if there's any improvement.
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Postby DucksRMagical » Tuesday 1 April 2008 1:01:46am

Hmm, that's odd. It's still slow. We did just get a new computer, but it's a really fast one, so it shouldn't make this site slower. And I don't even go on it, unless it somehow affects the wi-fi... :-? But this is the only site I go on that's been slow...

I'll try coming on here at school tomorrow and see if it works better on their wi-fi, then I'll know if it's just our network that's acting strange.
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Postby Scellanis » Tuesday 1 April 2008 8:29:32pm

Well its loading fine for me...
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Postby Paul » Tuesday 1 April 2008 9:17:33pm

That's good. I've banned the Twiceler bot just in case. Will be interested to know how things go from your school computer Duckie
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Postby DucksRMagical » Tuesday 1 April 2008 11:51:03pm

Still slow at school. I didn't try one of the school's computers. I used my laptop, but I was on their network. I could try one of their computers tomorrow to see if it makes a difference.

I don't think it's my laptop since it's being slow with our new desktop.

Still slow at home, too. But it's not nearly as slow as it was on Friday.
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