****SPOILERS**** Deathly Hallows Part 1

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****SPOILERS**** Deathly Hallows Part 1

Postby Scellanis » Monday 22 November 2010 8:42:46pm

So...Who saw it?

I see people complaining its just setting up for the last film but what did they expect, everyone knows its half a book therefor half a story. Silly people!

I loved it, I really did, they fixed so much stuff they broke or missed from previous movies, BILL WEASLEY!!!! I totally thought they'd leave him out and the wedding cos we never had him in the 4th movie and they blew up the Weasley house last movie, I thought that was their way of getting round having forgotten Bill, that they wouldn't need to destroy the wedding cos they'd already destroyed the house, was well impressed with that.

Also nice to see the mirror make an appearance, I'm not convinced though, I may be remembering it wrong but I thought it was given to Harry by Sirius purely to contact Sirius in book 5 and would not show anyone else. Then when Sirius died its supposed to always be blank because Harry always looks in it when he is missing Sirius and wishing they was a way to get him back through the door but its always empty.

Film kinda reminded me that in the books Sirius was hit with a red curse not the green Avada Kedavra one and that we were always wondering if he could be brought back, when I saw they deathly hallows story again it got me wondering, if the wand and cloak are real did we decide that the stone is the philosopher's stone or not? Cos that was made by Flamel not found which suggests its not the stone from the Deathly Hallows which would just be a stone already in existance cos Death plucked it from the riverbed. But then Volde was planning to use Philosopher's Stone for making a new body which is what the deathly hallows stone should do right? Confused.

Also...Daniel Radcliffe in Fleur's bra, FUNNY!!! I wondered what he was on about when he told the kids on Children in Need about being in a bra but now it makes sense. Hehehe
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