HBP Sneak Peek

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HBP Sneak Peek

Postby GodrictheGriffon » Monday 7 July 2008 3:29:45pm

I just saw a sneak peek behind the signs of HBP. Here is a list of what I saw-

1. Matthew Lewis aka Neville has grown a slight beard

2. Emma Watson is blonde and her ezebrows do not move as much as they used to.

3. Everybody on the set has plans to make fun of Ron and Lavander

4. Looks really happy about doing the little kissing scenes with Harry lol

5. Quidditch is back and theyäve changed the uniforms to have leather shoulder armor. Ron is trzing out in this movie and is really excited. They say that it is going to be slap stick quidditch.

6. The black family tree was there. I have no clue what that was about.

It is on youtube somewhere but I forgot the title so just search Harry Potter 6 behind the scenes.
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Re: HBP Sneak Peek

Postby *Riley* » Thursday 10 July 2008 3:59:31am

:eek: If your eyebrows don't move when you speak, does't it mean you got plastic surgery or something ?

I really want to see Hermione's face when she sees Ron + Lavender ! :lol:
The quidditch uniform looks awesome ! I can't wait to see it.

:-( There's never parties for the releases.
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