tom felton...

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tom felton...

Postby pippin1029 » Sunday 2 February 2003 2:12:50am

ok this is mainly for girls but if any guy wants to reply...well feel free...a girl friend of mine thinks tom felton is veeery attractive and was offended when i told her to pull her head out of her ***...kidding. but anyway, is she right? am i missing something b/c i am a guy?

i also think CoS was a great movie. and i don't care what the darn reviewers say. :grin:
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Postby LadySnape » Sunday 2 February 2003 3:40:45am

I can see why some girls would find Tom Felton attractive. He's not bad at all. I personally prefer Alan Rickman or Ian Hart, but then again, I am 25.... :lol:

I think he looked way hotter in CoS than in PS.

Honestly, I can't say I know exactly WHAT Tom's Fangirls like so much about him. It could be a great number of things. They would probably ask me what I find so great about Alan & Ian. I dunno! They're just... HOT!!! :D
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Postby ElvenMist » Wednesday 5 February 2003 7:44:51pm

hmmm... i don't find tom felton attractive. my friend thought he was and i was like: are you serious? ...but then again i thought christian coulson was cute (out of character) and when everyone saw him in the movie they were like: you think he's cute? lol. :)
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Postby Hermione » Friday 7 February 2003 10:19:09pm

Pippin! You posted! :)

I think Tom Felton is hot, but not when he's in the movie. In the movie, he looks slimy. At least, he makes me feel slimy . . .
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Postby ElvenMist » Saturday 8 February 2003 6:52:08pm

hmmm. i haven't really seen him out-of-character, so I don't knnow.
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Postby azn wizard » Monday 17 February 2003 4:54:02am

um...i think the actors/actresses are really 2 young to be called hot....the kids at least...and i didn't spot any good looking girls...hermione's pretty...but not exactly hot...
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Postby Cougie » Monday 17 February 2003 1:33:46pm

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Postby ElvenMist » Monday 17 February 2003 7:42:04pm

lol. except for sean biggerstaff... or christian coulson... they're older!! :grin:

ooh! i have THE SWEETEST pic of christian coulson...

let's see here... [img= ""]

if that doesn't work, jsut take this link: ... 853592.stm


[edited to link to html page containing the image rather than just the image itself - Please only link direcly to images where you have express permission or where you are paying for the server costs. Thanks - Paul]
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Postby Hermione » Wednesday 19 February 2003 2:42:56pm

Azn, you're right, but Tom Felton isn't exactly young . . . not like the other kids, anyway. And if you're twelve, or thirteen, or fourteen, I guess it doesn't matter :)

I saw a picture of Tom in People magazine that made him look really hot. How come everybody says hot nowadays, and nobody says handsome anymore?
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Postby azn wizard » Thursday 20 February 2003 8:17:09am

stop drooling elven....ur getting us all wet n sticky
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Postby ElvenMist » Thursday 20 February 2003 5:09:19pm

heh heh... sorry... *grins bashfully*
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Postby azn wizard » Friday 21 February 2003 8:58:27am

itz ok elven...seems like u arn't the only one drooling here...hermione seems to be having a field day too...*sigh* what am i doin on this thread anywayz??? :-?
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Postby Hermione » Thursday 6 March 2003 4:11:46pm

Hrmph. What's the matter with drooling? It only makes us look prettier, after all. :razz:

On second thought, Tom Felton is kind of creepy . . . Nobody's skin should look that waxy.
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Postby Telpeisilwen Tinrunya » Saturday 8 March 2003 1:42:36pm

I personally find him attractive. And his skin is that waxy only in movies. :D

Have you noticed the rise in number of "I love Tom Felton" members after Harry Potter and the Chambers of Secret? :lol: Scary, huh? One reason I like Tom is... he's looks not so childish like other kids in the movie. 8-)
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Postby star_light » Friday 11 April 2003 7:52:52pm

Tom Felton is semi-cute, but only out of character. He looks a lot better in the second movie than he did in the first. My friend thinks he is the hottest guy since Elijah Wood. I personally think the guy who plays Wood in the movies is very cute.
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