Order of the Phoenix movie

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Order of the Phoenix movie

Postby Athena Appleton » Saturday 13 March 2004 11:29:59pm

It's announced to come out in 2007. Click here to visit the imdb.com site for Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix movie. So far, only the date and the writing credits are listed, but this is the first I've heard about it, thought y'all would like to know. :-)
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Postby Amon Rê » Sunday 14 March 2004 1:17:07am

neato bandito....I'm excited already and it's still far away :-D
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Postby Alice I » Sunday 14 March 2004 2:51:45am

Very cool but the kids are getting older faster than they can make these things. Wont Danny Radcliff be almost twenty by then?
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Postby Athena Appleton » Sunday 14 March 2004 6:22:42am

yup... either they're going to be filming the movies in a hurry and releasing them several years apart, or they're going to have to find other kids. I think after GoF, they'll be finding other kids to finish out the roles. That's kind of sad. I think they lost momentum when Richard Harris died, so the original idea of filming the movies back-to-back was cut short... meaning that the kids won't really be kids anymore, so they'll have to be doing some major casting changes...
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Postby fierce » Sunday 14 March 2004 9:08:28am

I think I've read in a few interviews with Daniel Radcliffe that he's not sure he'll do all the movies. I'm not really worried though, I think that it won't make a ton of difference if they get different actors in, as long as they pick up the feel of the books. And since the kids in the books are getting older, they might be able to get some more experienced actors. I mean, Daniel is improving, but his performance was a bit wooden in the first movie. Slightly better in the second...

Is PoA being released the same time of year as CoS? I can't remember when it was released. Maybe it feels like longer to wait because i'm so excited about seeing the new characters, but i don't know.
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Postby choki » Sunday 14 March 2004 3:05:39pm

If you are talking about the books I think CoS and PoA are first published in 1999, followed by GoF in 2000. I am quite surprised that JK could write that fast, this shows how much she needs a break!

It would be best if they could film HP the way Peter Jackson filmed LoTR. No worries of the "original cast vs the new cast" situation
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Postby FairyTale » Sunday 14 March 2004 3:11:43pm

Yeah, that really would have been the best way to do it. Although the kids have to go to school and such so filming for such a long time and doing it lke LotR probably would've been alot harder for them.
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Postby Nobby » Sunday 14 March 2004 7:24:48pm

2007...its only three years though and we will have GoF and PoA azkaban to watch and get on dvd. Also book 6 will be out and maybe 7. it might come quite quickly
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Postby Athena Appleton » Sunday 14 March 2004 7:57:41pm

The first two movies came out around Christmastime... the third one is set to come out in June.

I personally think that they could have picked up anyone off the street and he would have done a better job of acting than Daniel Radcliffe did, so I'm not too worried about him not being able to do all the films...

However, GoF is set to be out in 2005, and 4 out of 7 isn't bad at all...
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Postby Won Wheezy » Monday 15 March 2004 7:40:02pm

Haven't they signed for four films? So they will definitely do the GoF, but might leave after that. I agree with Athena about Daniel Radcliffe, he really is rubbish, but I'd miss my lil Won Wheezy :lol: aka Rupert Grint (what a rubbish name! :-? )
I'm quite convinced though that they'll get somebody else after GoF.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 15 March 2004 8:58:11pm

I read in an interview with Movie Magic that Rupert Grint is the only one really enthusiastic about doing all the movies... I mean, he might not be able to, but when asked, the other two were kinda, like, "Yeah, we'll see" and Rupert Grint was, like, "I'd love to do all of them"
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Postby Alice I » Monday 15 March 2004 9:37:46pm

Well if they do make all of the movies then they will have to end up with new actors. except mabe Rupert grint. He seems to be the only one of the three that still looks fairly young. The other two have definitly gotten older looking since SS.
(Well that should please Won :lol: )
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Postby Amon Rê » Monday 15 March 2004 9:53:23pm

The first two movies came out around Christmastime

Well it was closer to Thanksgiving, but it's all good :-D yeah it threw me that it was coming out in June, I was like WHAT...but then I was like...eh it's a lot closer than NOVEMBER :-D
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 17 March 2004 2:05:58am

sorry, okay, I went to go see them around Christmastime... :lol: I don't get to see movies as soon as they come out anymore... you know, have to go whenever I can get a babysitter... yea...
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Postby Amon Rê » Wednesday 17 March 2004 5:45:53am

HAAHAA...yeah, my mom wouldn't let me skip school so I had to make sure to get tickets to the first showing as soon as school was out for the day :double jump: It's been worth it to go opening day both times, and I WILL be going for PoA too, I already know I'm out of school :double jump: :double jump:
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