Goblet of Fire... 4 hours long?

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Goblet of Fire... 4 hours long?

Postby Violet » Friday 28 November 2003 3:28:22am

Warner brothers have been in talks about making GoF into one 4 hour long movie with an intermission. This is instead of the previous idea of simply making one 2&1/2 hour movie and missing out many of the vital parts of the movie.

What does everyone think? too long? or will it solve the problems of one short film missing parts out?
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Postby Gower » Friday 28 November 2003 4:45:27pm

I think the four hour movie is an excellent idea. I don't think anyone will get bored and I wouldn't like to see vital parts missed out. Should be great :)
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Postby pinky p » Saturday 29 November 2003 12:18:58am

i definately would rather watch a four hour movie made from book 4 then a 2&1/2 hour one with crucial parts missing. or maybe not the crucial parts, but probably the funny or backdrop parts which really lay the scene for the books.
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Postby gecko » Saturday 29 November 2003 12:34:38am

It'll be a long sit at the cinema (or at home in front of the telly) but it'll be worth it!
But yeah, an intermission halfway should be added, because you need to stretch your legs to prevent thrombobis.. well okay you'll probably won't get it from a 4hour movie, but still it's better to be safe than sorry! :)

When is this movie planned to hit the screen? 2006?
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Postby Violet » Saturday 29 November 2003 9:16:31am

Lol! :lol:
I'm not sure, but if u think that it took a year to make and release the 1st movie, and the same for the second, and its taking 18 months for the third, then if the time scale follows then we should probably see GoF late 2006!! i mean if you think about all the things that they have to build for GoF, such as the world cup quidditch stadium, all the things for the trials etc. And just the general content of it, i can see it taking AGES to make unfortunately.
Its a shame cause it would be great if we could have a HP movie released every xmas, along with a LoTR's movie too! :grin:
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Postby pinky p » Sunday 30 November 2003 2:44:15am

yeah that would be great :grin: unfortunately, we'd be asking a mighty lot from those movie producers... :razz:

yes, an intermission is definately a good idea. imagine... sitting still in one place for four hours! i can't do that... i can't sit still for one minute, actually. i have to be doing something :D

also, people with sodas might need a break ;-)
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Postby Charis » Sunday 30 November 2003 4:00:08am

i thought they were gonna make the movie into two parts with a few months in between? :-? oh well i was probably hallucinating

but anyway i thinnk the 4 hour movie would be a good idea but definitley with an intermission because like pinky said people with sodas might need a break :D
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Postby choki » Sunday 30 November 2003 10:22:42am

I also thought that they would split GoF into 2 parts and air it with a few months in between...kinda like Matrix Reloaded and Matrix Revolutions

Plus, watching a 4 hr movie seems to be a little long and may be a put-off to some audiences (non-fans) ...and one thing Warner Bros could earn more by splitting GoF into 2 movies (4 hours movie for 1 tic price? Or two 2 hrs movie for 2 tic price...hehe evil marketers are behind all these :evil: )
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Postby Violet » Monday 1 December 2003 12:29:14pm

Lol :lol:
well this is just what i heard recently, i also heard that before they were going to split this into 2 different films... but if they did where would they split the book?
Just after the first task is roughly the middle of the book so they could always split it there, but there is so much going on in the second half of the book that they cant shortened they might split it later (like after the 2nd task) that way the 2nd part oculd be more detailed with the first missing out some less important parts.
I wouldnt like this cause i think that the 1st film would be lacking in major action, while the second one would be full of it
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Postby Jotomicron » Monday 1 December 2003 1:53:15pm

4 hours? 4 hours??? YES!!!

Oh, my legs are already saying me not to see the movie if it takes that long, but WHO CARES? Yes! 4 hours is a great thing to happen!
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Postby Selenia » Monday 1 December 2003 5:03:53pm

4 hours? that seems too little. Really! I've heard that the movie is about to separate in 2 pieces. It will be toooo big to see it all at once. Just like the matrix reloaded and the matrix revolutions.
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Postby Mint » Monday 1 December 2003 5:33:19pm

Well, Im not a little kid and am a huge Harry Potter fan - so of course I would see a 4 hour movie! Even without intermission.

Hm...I wonder about 2 movies though....it may be a good idea, then they wont feel hurried....
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Postby Selenia » Monday 1 December 2003 5:44:24pm

Oh, that wouldn't mind me, too. And without any intermissions, I agree. But some people won't stand it so they announced that the movie will separate in 2.
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Postby Violet » Monday 1 December 2003 8:42:55pm

I think an intermission would be better than 2 movies released at different times. i mean i would be so annoyed if they stopped it half way through the book.
but well i guess that warner brothers will be after as much money as they can get, so they will prob make 2 movie released at different times.
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Postby Selenia » Monday 1 December 2003 11:01:40pm

I'm sure they will. I think they've announced it already.
But, maybe this is not as bad as it seems, because we are about to watch the GoF movie without any mistakes or deleted scenes. What I am trying to say is that the w.bros except from trying to earn as much money as possile are also trying to make that movie a really good one, so we are going to be pleased after watching it
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