fantasy casting

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Postby choki » Friday 5 March 2004 4:50:18pm

Barty Jr? Does Billy Boyd fit that role?
Though he is 30+, but he still look as if he is in his mid twenties!

Just to make sure...was Billy Boyd the one who went to the white castle (dunno its name) to serve under the evil regeant in RoTK?
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Postby Nobby » Friday 5 March 2004 5:14:41pm

I think Billy Boyd in great too!!!!!

I van't fit him in either! If only he was taller
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Postby Amon Rê » Friday 5 March 2004 5:27:01pm

I would totally include people like Liam Nielson, Emma Thompson, Colin Firth, Hugh Grant, Judi Dench, and others. I would do this because most of these are known by American children as well. I knew a bunch of the regular actors anyway, but some of the lesser known ones I had only heard of because I watch a lot of imports...I just think it would be great to put Emma Thompson in, maybe as a prominent character at the Quidditch World Cup..I just LOVE her :-D
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Postby Athena Appleton » Saturday 6 March 2004 12:13:51am

Amon: you do know Emma Thompson is cast as Professor Trelawney, don't you? She'll be in Prizoner of Azkaban.

choki: :lol: I never got to see RotK (my getting to go to the movies depends entirely on if I can get a babysitter), but I think Billy Boyd (Pippin) is the one that does that... he sings a short song on the soundtrack, I do know that...

Hmmm... Victor Garber as Barty Sr and Billy Boyd as Barty Jr... I generally see him as a more comedic actor, but it might could work...
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Postby choki » Saturday 6 March 2004 12:27:26pm

He can have that blank look as if he is always in daze and that would fit the role perfectly...well, even it is for a short few seconds...(probably we only get to see the REAL Barty Jr in the grey/black/white flashbacks and the GoF's ending)
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Postby DragonFiend17 » Friday 18 February 2005 3:29:14am

lol Drew Carrey has gotta be in this one!!! :lol: :lol: heh heh, that would be funny, but not make much sense... :P ah well

Jesse McCartney as Ron(ahhh i can just picture him saying "bloody h**l" ) :P lol i love him
Ummm....Orlando Bloom and Johnny Depp don't really fit, unles JD could be somewhere from another school in the fourth book (not drumstrang, what was it...beauxbatons or something, i can NEVER spell that)
lol sorry i cant really think right now, heh heh :grin:
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fantasy casting

Postby Neilwolf » Friday 30 September 2005 11:46:25am

Hey all, :grin:

I like the ideas here. I have a couple of my own.

Luna-Joss Stone. Don't know why I chose her. She isn't
dotty as far as I know, but she certainly captures Luna's
free-spirit, hippyish vibe

Mad-Eye: Christopher Lloyd

Horace Slughorn: Ian McNeice from "Dune" and "Joseph"

Thoughts? :cool:
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