Nightcrawler wrote:IMO, James Marsters who plays Spike on Buffy would have made the best Sirius ever. He totally looks the part; thin, hollow cheeks etc. Until I found out he was actually from America, I would have bet serious money that he was Brittish. He just does the accent so well. Interestingly the character of Spike has gone through many of the "phases" that Sirius went through.
Ahh! I never thought of that. I guess I just can't over the Billy Idol thing he had going in Buffy... and the rapist thing...
I would have liked him as Sirius much more than Gary OLD-MAN. *grrrs*
I swear, the people that casted him must have never seen him in anything but Sid and Nancy when he was much younger and yet again playing a character too young for him...