'Harry Potter' actors in other movies

Have you seen the movies, either in the cinema theatre, or on video or DVD, or thinking of seeing them? Share your views here.

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Postby Enis Reilly » Thursday 15 April 2004 12:07:48pm

Well, Maggie Smith appeared recently in "Gosford Park" (what a great film!!! :D )

Alan Rickman appears in "Robin Hood Prince of Thieves", "Rasputin", "Sense and Sensibility", "Die Hard".

Kenneth Branagh appears in "Hamlet" (also a great film!)

John Cleese appears in "Monty Python - series", "007-Die Another Day" (with the part of "Q"), "A Fish called Wanda", "Yellowbird"

Robbie Coltrane appears in "007 - The World is not enough", "Message in a Bottle", "007 - GoldenEye", "Adventures of Huck Finn", "Henry V"

Richard Harris appears in "Gladiator", "Gulliver's Travels", "The Count of Monte Cristo", "The Pearl".

From those, Alan Rickman is my favourite, though Keneth Branagh in "Hamlet" is an amasing part! :-)
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Postby Athena Appleton » Friday 16 April 2004 5:10:16am

I love Maggie Smith in almost everything she's been in. However, trying to make her a Southern woman from Louisiana was a bad idea, I think (Ya-Ya Sisterhood)... other than that, I love her in Hook, the Sister Act movies, First Wive's Club... all her movies... 'cept Ya-ya...
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Postby Phinea Rogue » Saturday 17 April 2004 4:35:15pm

OMG, I've seen Jason Isaacs in 'Event Horizon' this week. Well, handsome as always, but the end! Poor guy!
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Postby ADreamAbove » Wednesday 16 June 2004 4:20:05pm

I caught Alan Rickman in Something The Lord Made and couldn't focus on the movie - the entire time, I kept thinking, "Holy cow, Snape with a southern accent...?!" I also highly recommend Love Actually. Romantic comedies usually put me to sleep (I'm the Blade Runner/28 Days Later type) but it was quite funny! Whatever you do, avoid Emma Thompson in Wit - that was the single most depressing movie I've ever seen. But Sense And Sensibility (which stars both) is highly recommended, I agree with previous posters on that one.
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Postby guste » Thursday 30 June 2005 8:35:27am

oh i want see these films to.... :-?
do u know about what is daniel and rupert new films??
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Postby Anna Black » Tuesday 19 July 2005 8:21:52am

Alan Rickman-brilliant in everything he touches, someone said they didn't like him in Potter movies, I can't imagine anyone else playing Snape, he's sooo good.

McGonagall-I didn't recognize her from YaYa sisterhood, but she was great in that film

The new Dumbledore-I know it's always hard to replace someone who dies, the original was so good, but I think they could have done a better job, I was a little disappointed with the new actor, he did fine, but he didn't look quite like DD to me-I was hoping they could have gotten Ian McKellen, but maybe he's tired of playing wizards

Lucius Malfoy-almost always plays the bad guy, pretty good at it

I know I've seen others characters, but I couldn't tell you where, must try to remember next time
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Wednesday 10 August 2005 12:41:42pm

Maggie Smith was also in Robin Hood Prince of Thieves - she was Alan Rickman's witch...
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Postby iluvharrypotter123 » Monday 16 October 2006 5:08:01pm

wasn't Maggie Smith in The Secret Garden as well?
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Postby Phoenix in the Ashes » Saturday 21 October 2006 8:28:14am

I wouldn't be surprised considering the enormous amount of movies she's starred in - she's brilliant.
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Postby Simatra » Monday 6 November 2006 9:15:21pm

I love the movie Galaxy Quest! that has Alan Rickman in it. It's so funny!

"Never give up! Never surrender!" VERY diff. role for him! :razz:
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