Which British Actors/Actresses should have a role in HP

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Postby Mrs. Luca Black » Tuesday 16 August 2005 12:36:59am

Snow_Patrol wrote:It was confirmed on 1st August that Helen McCrory rather than Elizabeth Hurley will play Bella...

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v712/ ... 7299e1.jpg

http://www.wizardnews.com/wn.harrypottermovies.html (scroll down the page a bit)

I think I like her as Bellatrix. The right face structure, maybe a few years too old but that'll be alright if they don't age her like they did Gary Oldman, a bit pale though but make up can fix that. I pictured Bellatrix as having a bigger chest, but stuff like that doesn't really matter, at least not to me. Perhaps some of the fellas here might disagree. I don't think I have a real complaint with this one. I'm amazed.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 16 August 2005 9:12:23am

Yeah she's a good actress. Done a lot of theatre stuff and was also in Count of Monte Cristo with Guy Pearce. I think she'll be great.
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Postby Dacre » Tuesday 16 August 2005 10:15:30am

She's too old! Enough with people that are far too old for their parts! (ahem Gary OLDMAN as Sirius - 48ish playing 33ish)

Since Sirius wsa in JAmes' year, and James was presumable at least 21 when he had Harry, I'd guess he'd have to be at least 35 plus really, probably older. And Azkaban would have aged him too I'd think.
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Postby Mrs. Luca Black » Tuesday 16 August 2005 3:17:50pm

Dacre wrote:Since Sirius wsa in JAmes' year, and James was presumable at least 21 when he had Harry, I'd guess he'd have to be at least 35 plus really, probably older. And Azkaban would have aged him too I'd think.

In an interview, JKR said that Snape was 35 in OotP. Snape was in Sirius' and James' year as well. This means that Sirius could have been no more than 36 when he died(one more way he resembles Lord Byron...). So in PoA he would have been 33 when he escaped and presumabley 34 when we really see him (I see him as being the oldest Marauder, probably born in December). Yes, Azkaban would tend to age a person, but they proceeded to age a man that was already 10 years too old for the part.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Tuesday 16 August 2005 5:01:13pm

For fuller info on the HP timeline and ages of people head here:


Lily, James and Co born in 1960
Sirius was framed in 1981
1993 Sirius and Harry meet at Shrieking Shack

Sirius was 33 when he met HP for the first time
Snape was born early in the academic year
Sirius was 35 when he died.

HBP is set from academic year 96-97 by the way

I am now getting this timeline a bit better thanks to the lexicon website!
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Wednesday 5 October 2005 3:39:35pm

Sorry I know I started this thread and I seem to have posted more times than anyone else!

I've just heard that Anna Friel really wants the part of Tonks and apparently they haven't cast Tonks yet. What does everyone reckon?

Anna Friel is with David Thewlis in real life and they have a baby girl called Gracie.
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