by Wiltshire » Tuesday 23 December 2003 7:47:08am
Robbie Coltrane - Yeah, he was in two Bond movies, Goldeneye and The World is Not Enough, I believe, as the Russian casino-owner and criminal Valentin Zukovsky.
Maggie Smith - Been in lots of stuff. Hook among them.
Dumbledore in CoS is not Gandalf. Richard Harris, not Ian McKellen. You can see Ian McKellen in a picture in Harris's office, though, lol.
Kenneth Branagh - Also been in lots of stuff.
Jason Isaacs - Usually a villain. Hook in the upcoming Peter Pan. The villain (Tavington?) of The Patriot w/ Mel Gibson. As a good guy in Blackhawk Down (and barely recognizable).
I believe Dan Radcliffe was in David Copperfield.
If you like the cast of HP, I'd recommend Kenneth Branagh's version of Henry V. It's a great adaptation of the play, outstanding music, and features Branagh, Maggie Smith, and Robbie Coltrane. See if you can find them (shouldn't be too hard, though Smith and Coltrane have more minor roles).