Which British Actors/Actresses should have a role in HP

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Which British Actors/Actresses should have a role in HP

Postby Snow_Crystal » Wednesday 10 August 2005 12:44:32pm

I'd love to see Kate Winslet play Tonks.
I want Helen Mirren to play Umbridge

Anybody else? I'm sure I'll think of more
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Postby Bextra » Saturday 13 August 2005 5:22:45am

nah, i dont think that kate winslet would be a good tonks. she would make a good veela
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 15 August 2005 3:11:58pm

Bextra wrote:nah, i dont think that kate winslet would be a good tonks. she would make a good veela

Cool never thought of her as a veela but there aren't any in OOTP. Everyone likes Tonks so I hope they choose someone good! Whoever plays her has to have a pretty wacky sense of humour I think
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Postby Dacre » Monday 15 August 2005 3:22:21pm

I see Umbridge as a more er.. rounded woman. Sort of like a dumpling on legs. Almost a female version of a shaved Richard Griffiths tbh, or an Evil Dawn French.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 15 August 2005 3:58:43pm

Hmm maybe Jennifer Saunders? Dawn French was the new lady in the portrait in PoA so she can't be in it twice really.

Jennifer Saunders isn't evil enough though is she. I'm just trying to think of Actresses names from the Calendar Girls!! Some of them were great and could be really good.

Judy Dench would be good but I can't imagine her signing up for HP

I also think Alex Kingston (ER) could be quite good as Umbridge
ooh and I'd like to see Colin Salmon play Kingsley Shacklebolt!

http://www.lutontoday.co.uk/ViewArticle ... eID=694367

He has been in 3 bond films as an ally in the MI6 and in UK's Prime Suspect as well. He has been tipped to play the next bond

(Double post edited by Phinea Rogue)
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Monday 15 August 2005 8:39:37pm

i'd like to see keira knightly play a role....i don't know what would actually fit for her. the thing is i just like her a lot...maybe tonks...i actuallly saw somewhere a picture of keira with pink hair...she was nice :D
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 15 August 2005 8:43:37pm

Actually funnily enough, I think Keira would be a good tonks.

Tonks has got to be someone fun I think and both Kate and Keira come across as fun people

I also thought of the young lady who played Hugh Grant's sister in 4 weddings but apparently and very sadly she died in a car accident some years ago. She seemed like a really nice person, such a shame.
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Monday 15 August 2005 9:34:54pm

hmm...the poor girl ... she died...

of well as far as kate...yeah she might be good for tonks...i do remember her with coloured hair in "eternal sunshine of the spotless mind" (weierd movie though)...she was nice...but i think i prefer keira. just like her more.
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Postby Mrs. Luca Black » Monday 15 August 2005 9:57:59pm

She's too old! Enough with people that are far too old for their parts! (ahem Gary OLDMAN as Sirius - 48ish playing 33ish)
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Monday 15 August 2005 10:05:57pm

gary oldman was defenitly not the best choice for sirius...i would had prefered a ... sexyer man...(sirius was definitly my fav character after all)...but were you talking about kate or keira beeing too old?
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Postby Mrs. Luca Black » Monday 15 August 2005 10:08:18pm

Ah, I left out that part, huh?

I meant Kate. Kiera's about the right age, but I really would prefer if she didn't play Tonks. She's too prissy for Tonks.

Then again, I hate the movies. The casting and costume people are the bigging flipping morons.
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Postby SunsetG|rl » Monday 15 August 2005 10:12:19pm

i liked the movies...actually i first saw the ps movie and then only read the books...though the books are way better...:D
the only thing that i find trully annoing about the movies is that they started to wear too many muggle clothes...the rest...it's always fun to go to the movies... i'm actually addicted to cinema :grin:
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Postby Person1 » Monday 15 August 2005 10:29:07pm

The second was good, the 3rd one kinda bites

quick change it fromt he movies to the actors/actresses

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Postby Mrs. Luca Black » Monday 15 August 2005 10:33:41pm

Should I complain about Gary Oldman some more? Or what about that guy that plays Lupin? He was in Timeline too, very creepy character in it too. I think he looks rat like... but then again, so did their werewolf. And there we are again on the movies.

Um... I've heard that chick from the first Austin Powers movie, Elizabeth something, might be playing Bellatrix. I don't like that.
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Postby Snow_Crystal » Monday 15 August 2005 11:27:59pm

It was confirmed on 1st August that Helen McCrory rather than Elizabeth Hurley will play Bella...

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v712/ ... 7299e1.jpg

http://www.wizardnews.com/wn.harrypottermovies.html (scroll down the page a bit)

Also, I think I might have suggested Colin Salmon might be a good choice for Kingsley. Well I did some digging on the Internet but cannot give good authority on it that JKR put his name forward for Kingsley... dead chuffed as I think he's really cool in everything he does!

What about DE's - anyone got any suggestions? Jeremy Irons might be good for someone - not sure who though

Also what about Tony Robinson as Mundungus?
Sue Johnston for Amelia Bones or Mrs Figg?
Rowen Atkinson is cool as well but don't know who for?
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