cast for Fleur

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cast for Fleur

Postby Female_alien » Tuesday 15 June 2004 5:32:18pm

Here is the girl that has been chosen as Fleur Delacour. Her name is Clemence Poesy and she's French.
She's quite pretty and I'm sure, with make up and who knows what else, she'll be a good veela. ... fleur2.jpg ... fleur3.jpg

*sorry for not knowing how to directly show a picture :oops: *
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Re: cast for Fleur

Postby Valeria » Tuesday 15 June 2004 7:48:36pm

I think that she looks like a rabbit. She looks very tired and I don't think that Clèmence Poèsy is a good Fleur. She looks very old and 21 years old. I think tht She isn't the right actress.
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Postby Mint » Tuesday 15 June 2004 8:07:01pm

Yeah, i saw the news in LC and checked out what people thought about her - seems to be split opinions. Some think she is pretty some not.

She is a French actress, thus her movies r in french and I havent seen them - so I cant judge her skills ^-^

I think she looks OK. Its just we all read the books and we all know her to be this extremely beautiful person, so Im sure everyone already has this certain image in their mind ^-^.
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Postby ADreamAbove » Wednesday 16 June 2004 4:28:47pm

She definitely has the right coloring. With a wig of Veela hair and a CGI glow, I think she'll prove quite superb. There's this one photo on that I think adeptly captures her potential - she has the right attitude, and an expression of mixed melancholy and pensiveness that I think will serve her well. Let me amend my statements by saying I have absolutely no knowledge of her as an actress... but considering the HP casting record, I think they know what they're doing.
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Postby Female_alien » Wednesday 16 June 2004 9:42:44pm

I posted the same pic above - the second one :grin:

I agree, that pic is great
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Postby Mint » Thursday 17 June 2004 1:21:21pm

OMG I saw this other pick of her - she is soooo skinny!!! like not cool skinny :o give her some food !!!! poor thing >_< Im gonna try to find the link to that piccie
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Postby Female_alien » Thursday 17 June 2004 4:17:25pm

:lol: :lol: I'm really interested how skinny she looks on that pic
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Postby Mint » Thursday 17 June 2004 6:35:28pm

Here, its from Mugglenet. ... fleur8.jpg

i mean i am skinny myself but not "dissapearing skinny" ^^

Lol, maybe this piccie is just in a wrong angle, but looking at it - i wanna feed her :grin:
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Postby Samodiva » Sunday 14 November 2004 9:56:54am ... mence1.jpg

:o OMG! And this girl is supposed to be a veela? There are so many beautiful girls in France. I wonder why did they choose this one.
Of course this is a PERSONAL opinion. I don't mind it if you like her.

But it's sad. Why is SHE a veela? Veelas don't live in France? They live only in Eastern Europe. I know it's possible for a French guy to marry a veela, but why aren't they any beautiful Bulgarian (or Eastern European) characters in the book :cry: . Even Krum is supposed to be ugly and stupid. It's not fair. It sucks to live in a small country.
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Postby Mint » Monday 15 November 2004 2:12:46pm

Awww dont worry Samodiva, Im sure there are a lot of beautiful students in HP they are just not mentioned :D

I wasn't too impressed with Clemence, but who knows...may be with the right make up and all ..... *sign*
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Postby Samodiva » Monday 15 November 2004 4:11:32pm

Thanks Mint ^-^

That reminds me...does anyone have a picture of Viktor Krum? I can't find any. I wonder how he looks. I heard he was half Scotish...
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Postby Mint » Monday 15 November 2004 5:05:00pm

hmmm....comes to think of it, no I haven't seen any picks of him o.o
Usually someone posts a link to new actores, but nothing for Krum o.o
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Postby Samodiva » Monday 15 November 2004 6:06:27pm

I checked almost every website on the net and I still can't find a photo of Stanislav Ianevski-the person who is playing Krum. Are they hiding him?
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Re: cast for Fleur

Postby Athena Appleton » Saturday 20 November 2004 5:14:18pm

Valeria wrote:I think that she looks like a rabbit. She looks very tired and I don't think that Clèmence Poèsy is a good Fleur. She looks very old and 21 years old. I think tht She isn't the right actress.

I'm offended by that! :lol: I happen to be older than 21, and do not consider myself "very old" :grin:

'k, I know, it's been a long time since that post... sorry, so sue me, I'm trying to catch up. Mods, I apologize in advance for any double or triple posts, I'll try to keep 'em at a minimum. :-)
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Postby Scellanis » Saturday 20 November 2004 7:08:28pm

I do beleive that the actor who played Tom Riddle in movie two was 22 or something, considerably older than the student he was supposed to be playing....its all a matter of make up...

I am 21 too, not wearing make up people have mistaken me for a 14 year old in photos and I just got IDed for buying cider....I suspect when they add the makeup for this role she will look young... and pretty
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