PoA studio stills

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PoA studio stills

Postby Athena Appleton » Sunday 14 March 2004 10:35:52pm

I was just looking at the studio stills of Prizoner of Azkaban on imdb.com and there are a few I'm a bit confused about...

There's the one where Hermione is holding Draco at wandpoint... I think in reality she slaps him, but I guess threatening him with magic could work...

OKAY, big confusing one... There's one of Harry holding Hermione close to him, and they both look soaking wet and scared to death... Is this the part when the dementors are about to administer the kiss, and then Harry 2 uses the Patronus?
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Postby Alice I » Sunday 14 March 2004 11:18:34pm

I thought that too until I was looking up that particular spot for a quiz. Hermione did slap him and Ron held her hand so that she wouldn't slap him agin. She yelled "Ron, get off" then she pulled out her wand. In the movie stills they are not wearing uniforms and this happened on the way back to the castle after a CoMC class so the director is wrong about where this happened.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 15 March 2004 9:25:50am

yeah, i'm not worried bout that one... but what about the one with harry and hermione?

i am SOOOOO mad! i got on and googled images for david thewlis as lupin, and there was a close-up of him, but it wouldn't let me get to the website!!!!!!! GRRRRRR!!!!! anyone know where i can find one?
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Postby Alice I » Monday 15 March 2004 9:41:12am

Athena Appleton wrote:yeah, i'm not worried bout that one... but what about the one with harry and hermione?

Is that the one where Harry is holding her and they both are looking up at something?
I think that may be the dementor attack although I don't see Sirius lying on the ground. It could also be the Whomping Willow scene. Either way shouldn't Harry be in front of Hermione shielding her from what ever the scary thing they are looking at is? :???:

I havn't seen a good pic of Lupin anywhere either.

I don't like the person they cast as Sirius, at least not from photos, maybe his performance will change my mind. I always pictured Viggo Mortgensen (?spelling) for that roll. :o :grin:
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Postby fierce » Monday 15 March 2004 11:21:16am

Maybe the one where harry is holding hermoine (or something) is when they are waiting at the edge of the woods and Macnair is about to execute buckbeak, and they hear the axe swing and come down, and assume that means that buckbeak has been executed...

Alice, i totally agree with you on Viggo Mortensen. He's so rugged an' stuff.
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 15 March 2004 5:22:47pm

I don't know, but they look truly terrified about something, I don't think it would be something as simple as just the death of Buckbeak... 1. Ron would be with them, 2. They knew it was coming, 3. They were under the Invisibility Cloak... they were kinda sickened by it, but they wouldn't be that freaked out... :lol:

if we're going to get into who you think should play the roles, we do have a thread called fantasy casting where we go through lists of actors who could play the parts...
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Postby Alice I » Monday 15 March 2004 5:47:03pm

Athena Appleton wrote:if we're going to get into who you think should play the roles, we do have a thread called fantasy casting where we go through lists of actors who could play the parts...

What topic or area is it under? That I havn't seen but would definately be interested in viewing.
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Postby Amon Rê » Monday 15 March 2004 6:59:49pm

Alice here is the link to the Fantasy casting

http://www.broomsticksandowls.com/forum ... php?t=2793

It's under MOVIES and then under the title, fantasy casting :double jump:

heehee...I just got to try out my mod priveleges by editing that :lol:
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Postby Amon Rê » Monday 15 March 2004 7:11:10pm

I don't know what to think, it could be of the dementor shot because they are looking up, but I don't think it is because from the trailer the dementors didn't look that big...I also agree that it isn't when Buckbeak was killed, but it could be when they went back to get Buckbeak and Harry saw someone coming (like right after they tied Buckbeak in the edge of the forest?
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Postby Athena Appleton » Monday 15 March 2004 8:46:32pm

I've about decided for sure that it is the dementor scene... just can't see when else it would be, having just Harry and Hermione looking that terrified... I've only seen the trailer once or twice, so I don't know... but I have always imagined the dementors being very very tall...

What I thought was water, I think, isn't... I think it's fog... just looked funny with the lights.
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Postby Amon Rê » Monday 15 March 2004 9:54:47pm

but see, the dementor scene takes place at the edge of the lake, I mean they can move it, but i assumed it would take place there too in the movie..
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Postby choki » Tuesday 16 March 2004 5:32:56pm

That picture seems to fit the dementor scene most. The part where they saw Sirius being attacked and the rest of the dementor were coming toward them...that would explain the fearful looks on their faces, Hermione probably hallucinated about failing exams :razz:
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Postby Athena Appleton » Wednesday 17 March 2004 7:53:38pm

Yeah, that's what I thought... I want to find a picture of Lupin AS Lupin in a good close-up... I found one, but it wouldn't enlarge it, so I only got to see the thumbnail!!! :-(
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Postby Alice I » Thursday 18 March 2004 2:48:07am

Athena Appleton wrote:Yeah, that's what I thought... I want to find a picture of Lupin AS Lupin in a good close-up... I found one, but it wouldn't enlarge it, so I only got to see the thumbnail!!! :-(

Where? :???:
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Postby Athena Appleton » Thursday 18 March 2004 4:49:04am

googled it... the image search, I typed up David Thewlis and about a jillion pictures popped up, so I waded through them, and there was one decent picture of Thewlis as Lupin, but when I tried to view the full-sized picture, it said something about it being forbidden, lalala
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