Where are they in the Half Blood Prince Movie posters?

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Where are they in the Half Blood Prince Movie posters?

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Saturday 30 May 2009 5:44:57am

Hey all!

Just went to the movies last night and saw some wicked posters of Harry, Hermione, Ron, Snape, Draco Malfoy and Dumbledore. They each had their own and they were huge posters, with each character at the front and a scene in kind of silver in the background. I was so excited! While I waited I tried to figure out where they were standing. Ron had the Quidditch Pitch in the background, and i think Draco was in the room of requirment! Yay!!! I'm so excited!!!! I know that they release pictures and scenes that sometimes don't end up in the movie, so it's worth checking them out.

http://www.slashfilm.com/2009/03/26/har ... er-poster/

there they are! I love the internet! Let me know where you think these characters are standing.....

Bring on July 15th!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!

Oh, and has anyone watched "Yes Man' with Jim Carrey? His boss is a total Harry Potter fan and they make him look so dorky for it! I was a little sad... but then I thought, so what?! I wonder if I look like that. Lol! I went out last night in my long, cloak like jacket and all I wanted to do was to run around the streets matrix style blasting spells from my wand. I suppose I should go to one of those cool game centers where u can do that with laser guns.. but it's not the same!

haha... thanks for listening! :)

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Re: Where are they in the Half Blood Prince Movie posters?

Postby DucksRMagical » Monday 1 June 2009 3:32:57am

The posters are brilliant! I love the one with a close up of Harry's face and Dumbledore's reflection in his glasses. That one's been out for a while, though.

I saw Yes, Man and I got so excited when I watched that part! I was watching it with my friends and they all looked at me when that part came on. Especially since they had that Harry Potter party, which was sort of like a very mini version of LeakyCon.
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Re: Where are they in the Half Blood Prince Movie posters?

Postby Ms. Elsewhere » Monday 1 June 2009 4:18:26am

I have to admit I was excited too... and I just decided that's exactly what it's like and I'm proud just the same! LOL. i was all like, "There's hagrid.. omg! look at the Dobby costume! hee hee...." Didn't he play a great Weasley! And watching all the movies too. I'm hanging out now for the next movie, and it's going to land right in the middle of what is probably going to be the most stressful time of my life, but it will be a great distractor. I'm sure this website will get busy again when we want to talk about it.. so of course I'll be going to the opening!

Bring on the posters, trailers and merchandise. I love love love it! I'm actually glad JK has dragged it out a bit. Yay!!!

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