Half Blood Prince Movie Talk

Have you seen the movies, either in the cinema theatre, or on video or DVD, or thinking of seeing them? Share your views here.

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Postby Simatra » Thursday 26 October 2006 7:23:34pm

That was the part I didn't get!

Well, if she dose ever quit... I'm Hermione! I really could be if I was a Brit.
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Postby Alexandra » Saturday 28 October 2006 10:13:40pm

I think she was nine because they started in 1999. She will do it, but if she doesn't she will regret it.
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Postby Simatra » Sunday 5 November 2006 3:51:43am

I know, the only problem with HP movies is will the actors be able to get other jobs? :???:
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Postby Scarlet Lioness » Sunday 5 November 2006 4:08:25am

Emma was 10, Rupert was 11 and Dan was 10 when they started. I remember I was 1 year younger than Emma when they started. Yr6 at school...

I reckon she will...she did say she wasnt going to do the 5th movie..but she's stayed.

Rupert and Dan have both got other jobs on other movies. Emma may do in time...so they don't need to worry about other jobs, besides they have enough money! Although they don't get it till they're 18.
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Postby Simatra » Monday 6 November 2006 9:09:10pm

:D thank you Lioness!

So hopefully they'll all be staying!
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Postby GodrictheGriffon » Sunday 31 December 2006 12:12:18am

Dan had the scar seared into his head with a white hot knife to save time with makeup and he said that he did it because it was the only roll that he wanted to be remembered as. It was his choice. The only thing that I really had a major problem with was his scar and hair.
Scar: on theside of his forehead. NOT right
Hair: Way to straight and unmessy and light.
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Postby lovegood63 » Tuesday 2 January 2007 4:48:00am

I didn't know the scar thing. But i quite like Dan's hair long, straight, and messy. I think he doesnt look as well with short hair but that's just my opinion.
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Postby Alexandra » Thursday 4 January 2007 10:08:52pm

Emma is a year younger than Dan, how could they be the same age when they started?
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Half Blood Prince Movie

Postby shanon » Saturday 20 September 2008 10:16:29am

[red][i][b]Entertainment Weekly’s early look at the new Harry Potter movie just a got a whole lot earlier. In a last-minute move, Warner Bros. has just announced that the studio is pulling Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince from its fall lineup and rescheduled it for July 17, 2009. In an irony sure to set blogger hearts beating giddily, the film graces the cover of EW’s new fall preview issue, which hits stands today. EW and Warner Bros. share a parent company, but they clearly do not share, you know, important friggin’ information.

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