Spoiler Alert: OotP movie...the new characters and creatures

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Spoiler Alert: OotP movie...the new characters and creatures

Postby Augusta Longbottom » Thursday 12 July 2007 6:16:30am

What did you think of the new characters and/or creatures?

* Bellatrix - I didn't originally think I'd care for this actress but was pleasantly surprised how much I ended up enjoying her in the movie. She does a great job.

* Luna - my favorite of all the new characters. She seemed less "loony" than I had imagined her in the books, but her flightiness made up for it.

* thestrals - wow, they did such a good job on these creatures compared to the hippogriff in previous movies

* kreacher - he looked much more realistic than Dobby. He looked mean and surly, like the crotchety old house elf he's meant to be.

* Tonks - hard saying since she had such a minor role. They showed her so rarely that it wasn't even worth it for them to bother showing her doing her metammorph-whatevver you call it.

* Mrs Figg - meh...I pictured her older than that.

* Young Snape and young James - just as I imagined. I didnt mind so much that they showed it as HP penetrating Snapes thoughts versus seeing it in the pensieve.

* Dolores Umbridge -- she didn't "ahem" not even once!!!!! Instead they had her do a silly giggle. Despite that fact, I still liked her character.

* Grawp - such a minor role, but more realistic looking than I expected he'd look.

Did I miss anyone else?
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Postby Simatra » Thursday 12 July 2007 7:34:21pm

Bellitrix was great! My sister thought she should have been more dignified though. But I think that since she just jot out of Azkaban she should be a little off....plus it wasn't like she wasn't graceful.

Luna- one word: MARVALOUS!!!!!!!

Thestrals were really good, and I agree, better than the Hippogiffs....Something about the way they made them wasn't right. :-?

Keacher was good, but they didn't put in the bit with Keacher's betray'll.

Tonks was also good but they didn't make her mush of a charctor, but that's understandalbe...She didn't have much in the book to beggin with. But I do like her!

They got a TERRIBLE Mrs. Figg! She wasn't mad enough or anything! She was just .....there.

Snivvely and Prongs- that bit of the movie was well done, though they didn't really show mush of Harry's knowing of that Prongs wasn't always the nicest guy.

Dolores Umbridge was a lot better than I thought she would be! By watching the previews I thought they were going to make her really prissy and junk, but no they made her like, sidistic....It was great! :D

"Grawpy" was pretty good!

You forgot the Kissing Students! :lol: :razz: What if you had that role? To your friends " See?! That's me! I got to kiss and then get thrown off by Umbridge!" Your friends: "O.....K....."
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Monday 16 July 2007 2:59:43am

luna- absoulutly amazing! you know, when the girl who played her first read about her, she vowed to get that role!

bellatrix-very well done.

umby- wonderful! and the wall of degrees was awsome!

thestrals- good, but i imagined them a bit more horse-like and they were silver with black wings in my mind.

dumbledore- eh, okay
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Postby FawkesthePhoenix » Monday 16 July 2007 4:26:07pm

mrs. figg- bleh. they cast the wrong actress for the job. but i loved the part during harry's hearing when mrs. figg raised her hand! :lol:
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Postby DucksRMagical » Monday 16 July 2007 5:12:54pm

Bellatrix was great! She was so mad! Just as someone would be if they just escaped Azkaban

Luna was awesome! She seemed very loony to me.

Thestrals were pretty good, although I imagined them with fatter legs.

kreacher was good, but I wish he had a bigger role.

Tonks's transformations were done really well!

Mrs. Figg wasn't good. She wasn't old enough, crazy enough, or frail enough.

Young Snape and James were as I imagined them.

Umbridge was great! But she only said 'hem-hem' once.

Grawp was great!
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Re: Spoiler Alert: OotP movie...the new characters and creatures

Postby vixy » Saturday 5 July 2008 4:40:35pm

I LOVED the centaurs!!! Especially, coz they're mystical creatures also the symbol of the zodiac Sagittarius! And when one of them scares voldemort off, and because they take Umbridge off into the forest LOL. :lol: x
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