by Snow_Crystal » Wednesday 7 December 2005 3:32:14pm
A referral to leave!!?? Where did you hear that?
I think they should do all the films. After all there are only three left to make now, they won't be that old by the time it's all finished and yeah it's good to see them grow up on screen.
I think Emma will have some really good future acting roles. She really is turning out to be a beauty and the way they rave about her over here, the Brits are really proud to have her. I think she's fab. She's already a wanted woman and I can't believe she won't get acting offers after HP.
Rupert, I suspect might do a few more projects but won't be able to get out the HP branding and the same for the actors who play Draco, Neville, Seamus, Dean.
Dan, I don't know, it's hard with him, whether he gets future work only time will tell. They've talked about him being a future bond and I think actually once he's got some years on him he could be quite good at that.