harry potter 3 - plz help!!!!!!!!!!!

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harry potter 3 - plz help!!!!!!!!!!!

Postby em122 » Sunday 6 June 2004 2:20:49pm

i just got the new harry potter game on pc but wen i try to run it this error msg comes up -

cd/dvd emulation software detected. plz disable all emulation software and re-start game.

i dont av any emulation software n wondered if any1 nose how to sort this out :???:

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Postby Paul » Monday 7 June 2004 12:00:08am

Welcome to BaO, em122. :welcome:

Apparently this is often caused by something called cloneCD (although it may be another program used to "burn" CDs or DVDs).

From what I can find about the problem, you may be able to get around it by removing the tick from "hide cdr media" (I've no idea where you find the tick box though).

Alternatively, if that doesn't work you may need to uninstall cloneCD. This sounds a bit severe (it's just what I found by searching online), so if you do this, keep any registration information so that you can reinstall it again if you need it.

By the way - a friendly tip - please write in proper words rather than abbreviations. It makes things much easier to read, and we have members from all countries here, so it's probably particularly difficult for them if abbreviations are used. Thanks for understanding. :)
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Postby Q.Araignee » Tuesday 24 January 2006 6:58:12pm

It could be CloneCD, Alcohol105%, Gamejack, Nero, Slysoft... there's loads it could be- which I can't remember. Check your computer for these programs & try to uninstall them. If not, tell me & I'll try to help more.
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