Please help with Azkaban for GameCube

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Please help with Azkaban for GameCube

Postby buckbeek » Friday 7 January 2005 7:43:22pm

I am sorry to bug. I am new to a forum like this and completely new to Game forums. We got our kids a gamecube for xmas and one of the games they got was Azkaban. We are stuck in the game and I need help getting us further. My kids are only 9 and 7, so I am playing the game with them to help them along.

When Hermione very first gets Glacius, she has to go down into a pit to get it. Once she does, the pit turns to fire and she has to freeze it to get out. How the bleep do you get out? We have worked on this for about 6 hours trying to figure out how to get out. I have never been so frustrated with something in my life!!! Not to mention my poor kids!

If you don't know the answer, if you could please direct me someplace that might have it. I have found lots of game clues, but nothing that has anything to do with this part of the game.

Thanks so much for your help!
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Joined: Friday 7 January 2005 5:24:07am

Postby AZKaban » Wednesday 16 March 2005 2:31:12pm

My 10-year-old stuck with the same problem :)
I'll let you know if we figure this out...
Posts: 3
Joined: Thursday 10 March 2005 10:19:54pm

Postby Mrs. Luca Black » Thursday 11 August 2005 11:54:25pm

I realize I'm about 8 months late in posting this, but seeing how no one else replied with help, I thought I would reply anyway just incase someone is still stuck or someone new reads this.

You have to target downward infront of her and freeze the mist or whatever in front of her. By doing this it makes a platform on which she can walk. You have to go quickly because the ice melts and you fall into the fiery pit.
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