Put your requests in here to join Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw or Slytherin. You can then enter the Common Rooms for the House of your choice and meet other House members to discuss House matters in private.
The requests for the place of Head Boy and Head Girl will be open at 6.00 pm British Summer Time on Saturday August 3rd 2002. The first 2 members (one for Head Boy and one for Head Girl) to post a reply here [i:15u9zbu5]after[/i:15u9zbu5] that time (or exactly at 6.00pm if anyone gets here at the exact time) will be awarded the places for the 2 month "term" which will be from 15th August 2002 to 15 October 2002.
Good luck everybody!
[Edited to close the 7th December choosing of Head Girl - please see page 2 of this thread]
Last edited by Paul on Wednesday 11 December 2002 6:34:01pm, edited 5 times in total.
Sorry Quicksilver, this relates to the conversation regarding <a href="http://www.broomsticksandowls.com/forum/viewtopic.php?topic=33&forum=14&start=75&89">Head Boy and Head Girl selections here</a>.
ermintrude2003 - to make things fair there'd be no problem in changing the date - if everyone's OK with it I could make it a week later.
The "Posted" indicator above everyone's posts is currently in British Summer Time, so if you want to compare your own time with British Summer Time, all you need to do is post on the board and see what time shows, then just deduct your own local time, and voila! You've got the time difference!
by chrestomanci » Thursday 1 January 1970 1:00:00am
So is it going to be August 10th then? Of course, that's when [i:2dpfpa9j]I'm[/i:2dpfpa9j] on holiday! Off to look at colleges... but I don't want to grow up!
Wow...absolutely dead on 6.00 pm. Well-done, Chrestomanci!!!! Yes, I'm pleased to make you Head Girl - The place passes this term from Melody Granger to Chrestomanci! Thanks to Melody Granger for the time as Head Girl last term.