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Postby Gower » Tuesday 16 September 2003 11:33:02pm

Ju-DedoH wrote:so liquid Ice would get the theories, Jotomicron the rumours and Gower st mungos if everyone agrees. Of course Paul will decide (you can send him a pm to ask).

sounds good to me!
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Postby Jotomicron » Tuesday 16 September 2003 11:34:51pm

Ju-DedoH wrote:you can send him a pm to ask

I had.. Just waiting for him to be online... Some of these days... I don't know: how often does Paul access the Forum? Does anyone know?
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Postby Ju-DedoH » Tuesday 16 September 2003 11:36:24pm

well he was online 5 mins ago ...
but he is online quite often (once a day I think) so send your pm now and he'll answer as soon as he gets it !
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Postby Gower » Tuesday 16 September 2003 11:38:29pm

He is back on NOW!! ooh the suspense....!!
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Postby Paul » Wednesday 17 September 2003 1:07:15am

Sincere thanks for all the offers everyone! There is some technical stuff I need to sort out first before creating any new Moderators. Once this is sorted, there will be a small announcement about a minor additional moderator requirement which I'll be making. Hopefully everyone who has asked will be able to fulfil the requirements - it's nothing major but just an extra security precaution for the board. :)
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Postby Jotomicron » Wednesday 17 September 2003 8:26:29am

I hope I fulfil the requirements (if thay are about time being here... OH NO! I'm here since a week :( !!) But Paul said it was a security caution.

Maybe (I hope) I can become a mod :grin:
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Postby gecko » Wednesday 17 September 2003 3:13:10pm

I think you'll just have to be patient and wait for Paul to make his decision!

Good luck !
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Postby Hermione Weasley » Monday 17 November 2003 5:27:41am

hey paul can i be a moderator for the OotP free room??
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Postby Paul » Tuesday 18 November 2003 12:00:16am

For sure H-W. Many thanks for asking...I'm very pleased to confirm you're now Moderator of The Phoenix-Free Room - our newest extension to the castle here at BaO! Hope the room has started to settle since it was built...those bricks from Charms Construction can sometimes decide they don't like where they are and try to move straight across the room to an opposite wall. :eek: :grin:
:cat: :double jump: :drums: :double jump: :cat:
Congratulations H-W!
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