Statistics on houses

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Statistics on houses

Postby Jotomicron » Thursday 11 September 2003 6:56:26pm

Is there a statistic about how many people are in the houses? Thanks :)
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Re: Statistics on houses

Postby gecko » Thursday 11 September 2003 7:04:00pm

Jotomicron wrote:Is there a statistic about how many people are in the houses? Thanks :)

Yep, there is! In the top right corner of the site, there is a group of buttons or links. You'll see that one of them is named 'Usergroups'. If you click on that link, you will go to a site, where you can view the usergroups on this board (being the 4 houses). Just select one and click 'view information'! You'll have to calculate how many people are in the houses yourself though!

Hope to have helped you! :P
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Postby Jotomicron » Thursday 11 September 2003 7:07:51pm

Thanks gecko!!! 8)
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