Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Arsenio Parkinson Owned by: Phoenix in the Ashes Starring In: The Heir Of Slytherin
Blood: Pureblood wizard
Month of Birth: April
Year of Birth: 1929
Year If Student: 4th
Occupation If Adult:
House: Slytherin
Best Subject: Transfiguration
Worst Subject: Potions
Height: 5"7
Physical Description: In every way the 1940s representative of the Neville Longbottoms and Peter Pettigrews of the world - except for his magical ability. Although he looked slow and gave the impression of being quite useless with the wand, he was in fact extremely sharp - and could be quick on his feet too, when it mattered. Effective casting ability well above his age level.
Wand: Dragon-heartstring, willow, 8 inches.
Pet: A toad: Wallace
Best Friend(s): Follows more; no real friends
Broomstick: Pipler 2
Quidditch Position: Keeper (though doesn't play often and is in no team)
Special Ability: Spell-making (though still practising is not quite good enough yet), transfiguration, charms, and the DADA spells
Fear or Weakness: Death
