Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Jacob Smythe Owned by: Phoenix in the Ashes Starring In: The Third Revolution of 1634
Blood: Untrained wizard (Muggle-born)
Month of Birth: April
Year of Birth: 1617
Year If Student:
Occupation If Adult: Muggle heir to father's estate; wizard revolutionary
House: Hufflepuff
Best Subject: Languages, physical activity
Worst Subject: Formalities
Height: 6"1
Physical Description: The son of a wealthy English nobleman, that on discovering Jacob's magical side attempted to destroy all traces of any fantastical from Jacob's sight. Of course at this particular stage in time muggle-borns weren't often accepted into Hogwarts, but because of the Smythe's status as a family the school felt they had to send him a letter. So the school didn't mind too much that it was ignored. Jacob Smythe is too old it would seem to pick up wand-magic, or perhaps any wizarding magic at all. However through natural trial, error and practise over his seventeen years, his ability to control free magic, released from the body as young wizards do, has grown. He has seemingly superhuman talents. And he knows he's special, somehow.
Wand: None
Pet: George the badger
Best Friend(s): Few
Broomstick: None
Quidditch Position: None
Special Ability: Magically enforced (ME) superhuman strength, speed, jumping, climbing, and an ability to be seemingly impervious to outside effects, as though he has an invisible shield
Fear or Weakness: Something stronger than him
