Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Tales Owned by: choki Starring In: The Forbidden Forest
Blood: Centaur
Month of Birth: December
Year of Birth: 1910
Year If Student:
Occupation If Adult: -
House: Gryffindor
Best Subject: -
Worst Subject: -
Height: 1.7 m
Physical Description: A relatively young male centaur skilled in archery. Blinded in left eye with a hideous scar running through. However, his right eye (dark brown) is extremely sharp. His unkempt black hair partially obscured the view of the scar. Skin tone fair with the rest of his body covered in brown fur spotted with light specks. White furs covering the hooves region, giving the appearance of a sock-wearing centaur. Something that other centaurs would tease him about.
Wand: -
Pet: -
Best Friend(s): Orion, Petal (Forming the mischievous TOP)
Broomstick: -
Quidditch Position: -
Special Ability: Good sense of direction
Fear or Weakness: Blood
