Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Nathan Greene Owned by: Ferrus Starring In: Pixies on the Loose!
Blood: half-blood
Month of Birth: January
Year of Birth: 1988
Year If Student: 2nd
Occupation If Adult:
House: Hufflepuff
Best Subject: Charms
Worst Subject: Herbology (in spite of his surname)
Height: 5 foot 3
Physical Description: Nathan is a pretty tall boy with black hair and black eyes. His skin is dark and he is quite thin.
Wand: 14 inches, Oak with unicorn hair
Pet: A tabby cat called Flint
Best Friend(s): Mist Crimo
Broomstick: nimbus 2001
Quidditch Position: chaser
Special Ability: Is a bit of a Seer. He has a sixth sense that (ocasionaly) warnes him of danger.
Fear or Weakness: Has a slight "temperamental" wand, which doesnt always do what its expected to do
