Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Jeremiah Dawlish Owned by: Phoenix in the Ashes Starring In: Disappearances...
Blood: Pureblood wizard
Month of Birth: July
Year of Birth: 1988
Year If Student: 5th
Occupation If Adult:
House: Gryffindor
Best Subject: Charms
Worst Subject: History of Magic
Height: 5ft. 11in.
Physical Description: Moderate height. Ash-blonde hair. Blue/grey eyes. Quite ordinary hero-wise, but exceptionally smart when it comes to spells. Fantastic quidditch player, Gryffindor's top chaser. Gryffindor Prefect.
Wand: Phoenix-feather core, 13 inches, oak, very tough
Pet: Ruby (Cat)
Best Friend(s): Elijah Dei
Broomstick: Cleansweep 920
Quidditch Position: Chaser; Vice-Captain
Special Ability: Reflexes, and extraordinary magical ability. Designs spells for good usage. Regularly donated articles about life at Hogwarts for magazines and newspapers. Well respected.
Fear or Weakness: Cockroaches
