Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Stephanie Fleur Weasley (Steph) Owned by: Scarlet Lioness Starring In: The Rebellion of Souls
Blood: Pure-Veela Blood
Month of Birth: August
Year of Birth: 1998
Year If Student: 6th
Occupation If Adult:
House: Gryffindor
Best Subject: Potions
Worst Subject: Defence Against the Dark Arts
Height: 5ft 6"
Physical Description: Long strawberry blonde hair (straight), Tall and curved phisique, strong build, tanned skin, bright aqua coloured eyes.
Wand: Oak, 7 inches, Unicorn hair and phoenix feather core
Pet: Owl- Kiela
Best Friend(s): Hannah and Jerry Collins (Twins)
Broomstick: Firebolt 5000
Quidditch Position: Beater
Special Ability: Curse Breaker...
Fear or Weakness: Death
