Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Kitty Hunter. Owned by: Moonstone Starring In: Disappearances...
Blood: FullBlood.
Month of Birth: June
Year of Birth: 1989
Year If Student: 5th
Occupation If Adult:
House: Gryffindor
Best Subject: Transfiguration.
Worst Subject: Potion.
Height: 5 feet .
Physical Description: Slender, green eyes and dark hair. Have a wery short lasting temper.
Wand: 10 inches, phoenix feather & kneazle fur, ash.
Pet: Ozelot Kitten, Named Logan.
Best Friend(s): Looking for one.
Broomstick: Nimbus 2000, Platinum version.
Quidditch Position: Still trying out for a place.
Special Ability: Is quite good with magical animals.
Fear or Weakness: Fear of lonlines.
