Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Moonstone Nyborg Owned by: Moonstone Starring In: Hogwart's Spring Dance
Blood: Elf/wizard/human
Month of Birth: December
Year of Birth: 1979
Year If Student:
Occupation If Adult: The wizards answer to a wery confused Lara Croft.. always ending up in some adventure
House: Gryffindor
Best Subject: History
Worst Subject: Deffens against dark magic
Height: 1,70
Physical Description: rather thin, is a must if you live in milkbottle´s, long read hair and blue eyes
Wand: 10 inches, phoenix feather & kneazle fur, ash
Pet: Ozelot kitten
Best Friend(s): ?? non for the moment
Broomstick: non
Quidditch Position: non
Special Ability: can get into any small things
Fear or Weakness: Fear of not having enough milkbottle´s
