Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Brom Halemvelt Owned by: Sacred Guardian Starring In: Quidditch match,Gryffindor vs. Slytherin
Blood: Half-blood
Month of Birth: January
Year of Birth: 1988
Year If Student: 6th
Occupation If Adult:
House: Gryffindor
Best Subject: DADA
Worst Subject: History of Magic
Height: 6'5
Physical Description: A physically imposing human being. Obviously fit for quidditch. Muscular and athletic.
Wand: 14.5 inch, hickory, dragon hearstring
Pet: owl
Best Friend(s): Ernie McMillan
Broomstick: Firebolt
Quidditch Position: Chaser
Special Ability: Extreme knowledge of Quidditch and it's stratigies.
Fear or Weakness: Banana Pudding
