Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Shayla Norr Owned by: FawkesthePhoenix Starring In: The Muggle-Wizard War
Blood: Muggle-Born
Month of Birth: June
Year of Birth: 1980
Year If Student:
Occupation If Adult: Lives off the land
House: Hufflepuff
Best Subject: Herbology
Worst Subject: Defense Against the Dark Arts
Height: 5'3"
Physical Description: Chin-length straight hair, in a shade of light brown. Willowy in stature, but more muscular than you'd expect. Light brown eyes. Is 50 years old, but, being a witch, looks and has the stature and fitness of one much younger. Went into hiding during Voldemort's regime, due to being a muggle-born. Came out briefly to fight in the final battle, then decided she liked her hidey-hole better than civilization, and hasn't left since. Lives off a small garden (being a witch, she can duplicate everything she grows) and the orchard by her small cottage. Knows nothing about the Muggle-Wizard War, yet.
Wand: 9" Willow with core of dragon heart-string
Pet: none
Best Friend(s): lives alone
Broomstick: none
Quidditch Position: none
Special Ability: brutal common sense
Fear or Weakness: Slightly agoraphobic (contributes to her living as a hermit, but only very slightly)
