Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Yuta Tanuki Owned by: FawkesthePhoenix Starring In: The Six Wizards
Blood: Pureblood
Month of Birth: October
Year of Birth: 1972
Year If Student:
Occupation If Adult: Member of Sadistic Six
House: Ravenclaw
Best Subject: Arithmency
Worst Subject: Charms
Height: 5 foot 2 inches
Physical Description: Black hair that barely grazes her shoulders, with a streak of pure silver on the right side of her face. Silver eyes. May be short, but is strong as anyone. Long legs that make her a fast runner, despiter her height. Usually wears black flared pants that are slightlyto long on her, a black and silver fitted T-shirt, and black running shoes. Is a pro at theivery and can easily get past enchantments undetected.
Wand: 11 inch ivy dragon heartstring
Pet: none
Best Friend(s): none
Broomstick: Nimbus 1000
Quidditch Position: none
Special Ability: Can absorb spells and use the magic in them to further her own powers
Fear or Weakness: paper cuts
