Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Liam Delacour Owned by: *Riley* Starring In: Next Generation 2
Blood: Pure
Month of Birth: January
Year of Birth: 2005
Year If Student: 1st
Occupation If Adult:
House: Gryffindor
Best Subject: Charms
Worst Subject: Potions
Height: 5'
Physical Description: Rounded face with an odd shaped nose. scrawny body and nice thick brown hair. Looks quite mature for his age, since the battle that is...
Wand: Unicorn Hair 11 inches,Elm wood.
Pet: Ash coloured Owl
Best Friend(s): Geneve and Arthur, lost friendship with Rose & Albus.
Broomstick: Firebolt
Quidditch Position: Chaser
Special Ability: Able to do complex spells.
Fear or Weakness: Spiders, and is weakened by the sight of dead animals, or injured friends.
