Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: AnaMaria Owned by: Un'Anima Persa Starring In: After the Battle
Blood: Half
Month of Birth: February
Year of Birth: 1981
Year If Student: 7th
Occupation If Adult:
House: Hufflepuff
Best Subject: Herbology
Worst Subject: Transfiguration
Height: 5'5"
Physical Description: Dark brown hair and green eyes. A bit on the heavy side. Awkward posture with a confident expression.
Wand: Ash, 12 1/8", unicorn tail hair.
Pet: A kitten that she received at the start of her seventh year. Name: Dory, in memory of Dumbledore.
Best Friend(s): Some kids from Hufflepuff house.
Broomstick: Moontrimmer
Quidditch Position: None.
Special Ability: Er, she's a decent flier.
Fear or Weakness: She's one heck of a klutz.
