Viewing RPG Character
Character Name: Sirius Maddie Morpheus Owned by: GodrictheGriffon Starring In: Dark Times
Blood: Half-Blood
Month of Birth: November
Year of Birth: 1993
Year If Student: 3rd
Occupation If Adult:
House: Gryffindor
Best Subject: DADA
Worst Subject: Muggle Studies
Height: 165 centimeters
Physical Description: Long, shimmering, silver hair which goes half-way down my back. Pale skin with freckles on my arms. Ruddy face complexion. On the tall side for her age. Short, strong legs but long arms. Gray eyes that show of great pain and sorrow. Medium build. Hair on eyebrows slightly far apart. Thick, raven-black eyelashes which are incredibly long. Pierced ears. Big feet. Short, strong fingers. Slightly crooked teeth.
Wand: Reed, Unicorn Horn Powder and Pheonix Tears. 11 in.
Pet: Raven named Cedric. As smart as me and smarter than most people. Magical and non. Black with glowing, green eyes. Carries messages better than an owl.
Best Friend(s): Alaina McMan and Celistine Darker
Broomstick: Firebolt
Quidditch Position: Keeper
Special Ability: Smart and good at muggle football. Lying
Fear or Weakness: My past life. Orphan.
