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RankUsername Posts Website, Location Joined
Captain of the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701)Obladi3713 719
Where no man has gone before.
Wednesday 6 August 2008 10:29:35pm
Supreme Commander of Wizarding Monkeyssalemboy 1837
Behind you!
Tuesday 20 May 2008 12:35:22pm
Scholar of all that is Deep and MeaningfulMs. Elsewhere 886
In role play game of course!
Monday 14 January 2008 4:22:56am
Keeper of the Keys and Dragon Tamer Of The West*Riley* 2031
Celebrating with good friends
Friday 30 November 2007 11:45:55am
Keeper of the Butterflies & Other Winged Creaturesjeckle_freckle 225   Wednesday 6 June 2007 12:05:04pm
Fully Qualified Lizardyouknowwho 230
on the outskirts of a small galaxy in the middle of nowhere
Thursday 28 December 2006 7:56:51pm
Simple Girl with Simple NeedsRun Away!!! 586   Saturday 24 February 2007 10:00:41pm
Collector of Books and Knowledgeselene 1014
living in aunt maharet's library, watching the stack of books i want to read grow bigger and bigger
Saturday 4 June 2005 2:53:57pm
Gryffindor Prefect and Mistress of Magic, Order, and BooksSimatra 2285
Why do you need to know???
Monday 9 October 2006 8:09:06pm
Unspeakable and Princess of Polar BearsGodrictheGriffon 3990
Beside the veil, waiting for Sirius.... And Midnight! I wonder how long your location can be?....
Thursday 28 December 2006 4:16:05am
President of the PenguinsFawkesthePhoenix 3553
No idea, all I know is that there are a LOT of felt-tipped pens...
Sunday 31 December 2006 11:40:47pm
President of the PenguinsFawkes the Phoenix 1
Wednesday 20 July 2005 2:22:50am
Ambassador to the Land of Ducks.DucksRMagical 2538
Going through LeakyCon withdrawal
Thursday 28 December 2006 6:45:34pm
Moon Bunny ChaserSunsetG|rl 589
Chasing the Rabit on the Moon
Tuesday 9 August 2005 9:59:25am
Death EaterNikki 159
Saturday 25 June 2005 4:41:03pm
Chief Falconer and Caretender of Magical CreaturesRory Pridinham 506
*Looks around* .... good question....
Friday 2 May 2003 1:58:05am
Gryffindor Prefect, Queen of Spiders & PI(E), Maciavellian Thespian Extrodinaire & Guardian Singer of SoulsQ.Araignee 5005
Daydreaming about my now fiancé *squee*
Wednesday 4 January 2006 8:01:13pm
Head of the Department of MysteriesAsphodel 1303
Hungry and Confused
Sunday 30 October 2005 8:08:18pm
Flame Retardent Girl, With AttitudeBextra 379
Sitting on the roof of the owlery playing the harmonica.
Tuesday 19 April 2005 5:44:45am
BannedMr.Potter 22   Thursday 26 April 2007 12:20:28pm
BannedLoves2Spoil 7   Saturday 23 June 2007 1:46:16am
BannedHelium 1   Wednesday 18 July 2007 12:56:40pm
Queen of The Pixiescrystallised_pineapple 179
three broomsticks :D surrounded by empty butterbeer bottles...he he
Monday 18 July 2005 7:12:25pm
Supreme Chancellor of the Gryffindor Messenger Service and Head of the Hogwarts OwlerySnow_Crystal 1185
Flying around eagerly waiting for Midnight...
Monday 18 July 2005 4:13:24pm
Member of the Original Order of the PhoenixMrs. Luca Black 773
In the kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place handing Kreacher a new, 100 pound, cast iron tea service.
Thursday 11 August 2005 11:06:49pm
Creator of realities unknownPerson1 678
A place...somewhere...
Wednesday 3 August 2005 2:06:00am
Founder of Slytherin, Death Eater and Owner of Robert The Muggle Eating DragonSalazar Slytherin 178   Saturday 13 August 2005 8:15:42pm
Rogue auror, avenger of lost soulsthestral 531
beside the veil waiting for sirius
Thursday 2 December 2004 2:07:48pm
Keeper of the Claws, Co-Owner of the Juice Bar and Prefect of GryffindorScarlet Lioness 3847
Music Studio in the depths of the Castle.
Saturday 14 May 2005 9:07:09am
Guardian of the Vault, RPG Moderator and Slytherin PrefectPhoenix in the Ashes 5352
Wandering around the RPG Area
Monday 24 January 2005 6:45:40am
Rocker of Slytherinrivsfan 98
The Punk Rawk Show!!!
Tuesday 29 March 2005 2:16:19am
Slytherin's Most Gorgeous and PopulareZe-m3r0-ChuCkY 189
Thursday 24 March 2005 9:56:16pm
The Mad Dog of SlytherinTanuki 1135
New York NY
Tuesday 11 January 2005 9:25:52pm
Princess of Rainbows, Moonlight Dreamer and Gryffindor PrefectPhaerie 511
Doing double backs on a trampoline and scaring her spotters!
Tuesday 13 January 2004 8:32:06pm
Trainer of Magical CreaturesDeedra Malfoy 779
The Recesses of my Mind
Friday 16 August 2002 1:00:00am
Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports and Landlord of The Three BroomsticksRon Weasley 611
The Burrow
Saturday 26 June 2004 8:31:17am
Magical Law Enforcement and Wand-maker ExtraordinaireLone_Buck 274
Sunday 4 April 2004 4:58:28pm
Queen of Gossip and Member of Dumbledore´s Armyharrylover 1478   Saturday 14 February 2004 11:49:34am
Funny Freaky Fulfiled Fascinating Feminist FreethinkerReverie Revenge 195
slithery snakepit
Monday 26 April 2004 2:34:38pm
Queen of Darkness and Owner of the Loch Ness Monsterbludy mery 144   Friday 20 June 2003 2:32:37pm
A true Ravenclaw, Master of Legilimency and the biggest fear of all BoggartsGroo 551
On a different forum with others
Friday 9 April 2004 8:16:35am
Supreme Giver of Names and Female of the SpeciesWriter 359
Lollipop land
Tuesday 2 March 2004 6:26:58pm
Chief Paintball Wizard, Theory Master and Voldemort Spypaintballdecoy 295   Saturday 28 February 2004 3:01:53am
Waster of Time, Proud HufflepufferPlep 201
A mousehole in the Hufflepuff common room....don't ask....
Thursday 19 February 2004 11:48:04pm
Dreamer of Dreams, Registered Animagus (Snow Owl) and Ambassador from the Isle of DreamsAmon Rê 413
Isle of Dreams
Wednesday 3 March 2004 6:25:44am
Hogs Head BartenderAberforth 301
Hogs Head, Hogsmeade
Tuesday 17 February 2004 5:10:14pm
Hufflepuff Prefect and The Half Blood PrinceNobby 2156
Having dinners with the ewoks
Sunday 15 February 2004 2:01:34pm
Hogwarts Librarian, Headmistress of the Little Wizards Academy and Kisser of Boo-boosAthena Appleton 2267
Easin' down the yellow brick road....
Sunday 25 January 2004 6:42:54am
Keeper of Smiles and HappinessAngelicS_89 1255
Wednesday 24 December 2003 7:04:02pm
Lord of the Aliens, Crazyness, Candles and Smiles, and a Proud HufflepuffFemale_alien 2345
at Joda's house
Wednesday 5 November 2003 9:34:49pm
